Interview with CBS19News

Who has two thumbs and was on the news tonight?…/eye-on-supply-virginia-aromatics

It was such a pleasure to interview with Darnell Myrick. He has a very comfortable, professional work style. It felt like talking to a friend, not a reporter, and I appreciate him giving me the opportunity to share info. We covered a lot of territory, but with under two minutes of air time, he had to condense it to only a tidbit of what we covered.

While online business has increased, overall revenue, with stores being closed, is way under where it normally would be. Soap makers like me are extremely grateful for the increased online support that has kept us going. This support means we can pay our mortgages and keep making this simple yet vital staple that people need to stay safe.

Bigger cities are already seeing their first wave of COVID 19 subside, but in rural areas like Orange, our first wave is on the rise. Our vulnerable populations are still at risk and sheltering as much as possible, out of necessity. Darnell’s “Eye on Supply” series is meant to help people find what they need.

If you go to your local grocery store and the soap shelf is bare, you can find handmade soap in most small shops these days. You can find ours on our Stockist page. If you don’t feel able or ready to go back out, we have plenty of soap on hand and are ready to fill your order. If you want to support additional soap makers, they will appreciate every order and you can find them at the Soap Guild. Go here to search by state, province, country, or company name:…/find-soap-cosmetics/search.php. If you got this far, thanks for reading! 😀

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