Rosemary tea for curly hair

Lux Aromatica muslin bag
Sew, today I made myself a giant teabag from unbleached muslin.
Lux Aromatica muslin bag ribbon
Used the pretty ribbon for tightening the open end.
a muslin bag with rosemary
Y’all get ready to wake up, because I’m making an infusion (tea) of my organic rosemary.
Distilled water
Two gallons worth.
Lux Aromatica rosemary
Rosemary likes heat and humidity and dry feet.
Lux Aromatica rosemary
Since it doesn’t hold up so well in New England, we have a little bit planted under this overhang.
Lux Aromatica rosemary
We had forests of it back in Norfolk, and will have that again soon but more on that later. Thanks, military life.
Lux Aromatica rosemary infusion
Rosemary is great for hair and the tea will be used in formulating an upcoming product for hair
Lux Aromatica rosemary infusion
because FRIZZ.
Lux Aromatica rosemary infusion
Stay tuned for Lux Aromatica curly hair cream. What would you name it?
Lux Aromatica rosemary
No spiders were harmed in the making of this tea.

2 thoughts on “Rosemary tea for curly hair”

  1. i have the same glass jar, nice one. just planted some mint and rosemary myself in the yard which i use in my baths.

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